Mindset Mastery Academy is a website and online platform to teach mindfulness in different areas of life. The client wanted the site to advertise his brand and mindfulness seminars, host blog posts and podcasts as well as e-learning content. The users/audience for this site were likely adults seeking professional, marital, financial and parenting advice. The client wanted it to feel trustworthy and a bit corporate and avoid seeming hippie-dippie or earthy. He wanted me to customize a WordPress theme so that he would be able to take over as admin once I built the site.
This was the client's first time creating a digital experience for the Mindset Mastery Academy brand so I first presented some initial sketches suggesting how I would layout the content. I then created a UI styleguide before moving forward to mockups
Desktop and Mobile Home page, Course Library, Course Page, Blog Index Page and Blog Post (Created in Sketch)